The Air Force Academy Society of North Carolina was founded in 1993 by Hal Keck '62, Pete Sarda '67, Craig Upton '69, Pete Bechtel '74, Andy Stanaski '80, Glenn Seitchek '83 and Scott Korbin '83. Its stated purpose if to foster the professional, business, and leadership growth of its members through education and programs, and to support the ideas, goals and programs of the United States Air Force Academy. While the original founders were somewhat Raleigh centric, our membership covers the eastern section of North Carolina from Winston-Salem to the Sandhills, Wilmington and the Outer Banks. The logo of the Society is in the shape of the state of North Carolina. It depicts the Wright flyer taking off from Kitty Hawk, circling Prop & Wings centered on Raleigh and morphing into an F-15 with tail markings associated with the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB. The "1954" marking commemorates the founding of the Air Force Academy and the "93" represents the year that the Air Force Academy Society of North Carolina was established.